Jump on board for a wonderful mindful program on the Wadden
In 2025 we will return to the beautiful Wadden for the entire season! In this vast area with sheltered, typically Dutch waters where the tides rush through the creeks, seals rest on the sandbanks, you will go to (or anchor at) Terschelling and Vlieland. You will notice that you lose track of time as soon as you are on the water. How nice is that, just getting away from it all....
Our 'toolkit' has been expanded with nature caching, cacao ceremonies and the SOUL sessions we had will be different here and there. In any case, they remain playful, with a combination of mindful energy flow, creative expression (dance, voice liberation, mantra singing, intuitive painting or writing), sensory walks, qi gong, Tension Releasing Exercises (TRE) and breathing exercises. No experience is necessary, the magic is in letting go. Then the rest will follow automatically.
The sessions are partly on board, partly in the beautiful nature (dried mudflats, dunes, forest and beach). In between there is plenty of time to chill and do what you need (swimming, walking, reading, writing or just doing nothing in the hammock).
We invite you to live our slogan: 'Enjoy the Room to Be'. So if you need to eat something in between? Just open the cupboard. Or do you want to be alone in the hammock or skip a training? That's fine. Feeling what serves you and acting accordingly helps you to relax more and more, to enjoy and to be open to the effect of the SOUL sessions.
Do you play an instrument and would you like to bring it with you? Great! Know that there is a guitar and ukulele on board that you can also use.
If we can sail and it fits in the program, then we sail. Otherwise we sail. The weather is of course always leading.
'you can't change the wind, but you can adjust your sails'
Experience shows that it is precisely the combination of our SOUL sessions with the elements that makes the effect on yourself so intense. Guests regularly experience the most beautiful insights or spiritual experiences, in addition to rest and emotional release.
In addition to 'the food for the SOUL,' 'the captain is the cook.' He prepares delicious, fresh vegetarian meals every day and occasionally a fish for you, except on the 3rd day. Then he has a day off and you go somewhere on shore to eat at your own expense.
Caroline: 'Spent Ascension weekend on the beautiful 'Marie'. Sun, sea, heavenly mudflats, delicious food, living in a bubble for a while. Yoga, air, seals, fun, cold, discomfort, sadness, the giggles. Recognition, connection, safety, the tangible love of Isabelle and Harry. Cleansed from the inside, my soul back in balance, ready for the challenges in my life. No one can take this away from me. Heavenly.'
Lex: 'There really is more between heaven and earth. An impressive ship, two wonderful people and the maps did not lie. We had a wonderful meal and sailed, thanks Harry. The exercises and attention to mindful experience were a new discovery, thanks Isabel. Wonderfully blown out and returned home with an enriched feeling. Time flew by. Life on water is certainly a different dimension than on land! Highly recommended. Namaste.'

Wadden Islands Program 4 days / 3 nights
Day 1
- Between 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM reception on board in Harlingen Haven
- Welcome drink, introduction and review of safety regulations
- Sailing to anchorage Terschelling
- Dinner
- Getting to know each other via angel cards
Day 2 (silence during breakfast)
- Breakfast
- Mindful energy flow
- Intuitive painting or writing
- Free time
- Lunch
- Free time (on island
- Yoga (Yin) or singing mantras
- Dinner
Day 3 (silence during breakfast)
- Breakfast
- Sailing to Vlieland
- Sensory walk (mindfulness)
- TRE (Tension Releasing Exercises)
- Lunch
- Free time
- Voice liberation
- Dinner (at own expense)
Day 4 (silence during breakfast)
- Breakfast
- Cacao ceremony/with meditation
- Connected breathwork
- Free time
- Lunch
- Coaching in nature
- Sailing/boating to Harlingen harbour
- Soup
- Check out around 5:00 pm
Wadden Islands Program 5 days / 4 nights
Day 1
- Between 15:00 and 16:00 reception on board in Harlingen Haven
- Welcome drink, introduction and review of safety regulations
- Sailing to anchorage Vlieland
- Dinner
- Getting to know each other via angel cards
Day 2 (silence during breakfast)
- Breakfast
- Mindful energy flow
- Creative expression (voice liberation, dancing, intuitive painting or writing)
- Free time
- Lunch
- Free time (on island)
- Yoga (Yin)
- Dinner
Day 3 (silence during breakfast)
- Gi gong
- Breakfast
- Nature coaching
- Lunch
- Free time
- Coaching in nature
- Free time
- Sailing to Terschelling
- Dinner (at own expense)
Day 4 (silence during breakfast)
- Qi gong
- Breakfast
- Voice liberation
- Free time
- Lunch
- Free time
- At anchor Schuitengat (Terschelling)
- Dinner
Day 5 (silence during breakfast)
- Breakfast
- Cacao ceremony/with meditation
- Breathing
- Free time
- Lunch
- Coaching in nature
- Free time
- Sailing to Harlingen Have
- Soup
- Check out around 5:00 PM

- The maximum group size is 6 participants and a minimum of 4 participants.
- In case of a wind force above 6, the crew reserves the right not to go out on the water.
- Changes to the program due to the weather, wishes or what is going on within the group are possible.
- The weather conditions are always leading whether we choose to sail or sail.
- In case of an exclusive group registration, a customized program can be discussed
Overnight stay
‘Marie’ has two spacious, modern cabins for her guests, each with two comfortable single beds (lower and upper bed with NASA memory foam mattresses), and a guest shower and toilet room. There are also two comfortable sofa beds in the lockable lounge. Do you also want to sleep outside? That is possible. We have two sofa beds on deck or lovely hammocks between the masts. Of course you can always go back to your regular spot inside if you want.
The investment for the 4 day / 3 night expedition is €710,- per person and the 5 day / 4 night expedition is €910,- per person. If you come to the 'Marie' for the second, third or fourth time, you will always receive a discount of €50,-. (not in combination with early booking discount). First time? Then you will receive a €50,- discount when you book more than three months before the expedition.
This includes:
- Program content
- Professional guidance
- Telephone intake prior to the retreat
- Port fees Terschelling and / or Vlieland
- Diesel fuel
- All meals (except dinner on the 3rd day) Food allergies can be taken into account
- Unlimited fresh herbal or ginger tea, water and good coffee. Daily fresh juice and a beer / wine with dinner
- Linen and SOUL attributes
- Personal attention!
And excludes:
- Booking costs €15,- per person
- 1 dinner onshore
- Transport costs from home to Harlingen harbour and back
- Travel and cancellation insurance
How do you get to Harlingen and the ‘Marie’?
By car: park at P1/P2/P3 ‘Tjerk Hiddes’ at 15 minutes walking (https://www.parkerenharlingen.nl/reserveren). See also this handy map. Rate €8.50 per day, and if you book online €7.50 per day.
By public transport: take the train or bus to station ‘Harlingen Haven’, and then walk for 2 minutes.
We will send you the exact location of the ‘Marie’ shortly beforehand.
Would you like to sign up or do you have any questions?
'Enjoy the Room to Be'