• darkblurbg

Cold workout


Cold water training is exposing yourself to cold. You can do this by taking a cold shower, swimming in cold water or in an ice bath. It is already effective below 16 degrees C. The period from October to March is therefore ideal in the Netherlands.

As the basis of the cold training, there are three pillars that are important to use when you get started. These are of course cold, your mindset and focus and your breathing.

Through a positive mindset and focus you come into the Being mode and through the right breathing from your belly, you come into relaxation. That is exactly what is needed in the cold, because your body gets a stress or startle reaction that needs to be overcome.

After the cold you usually feel literally and figuratively refreshed, you feel happy because the hormone endorphins are produced.

For whom?

For anyone who wants to work on the following:

  • More balance between body and mind
  • More energy through better oxygen transport
  • Better blood circulation > better condition of skin and hair
  • Better concentration
  • Stronger immune system
  • Increasing brown fat > burning fats and glucose > warming up faster
  • White fat reduction > weight loss
  • Reduce stress and sleep better
  • More confidence
  • Increased resistance, vitality and strength